Monday, July 16, 2007

Blog is on!

Hello fellow Day Laborers,

As many of you already know, I've established this site as a means to foster ongoing conversation and consideration of issues relevant to our weekly readings and discussions without also filling up our email in-boxes.

I encourage everyone to click the link "Posts (Atom)" where it says "Subscribe" below this post (or near the bottom of the page). This will generate an RSS feed that will allow you to easily see when new stuff gets posted.

Please feel free to comment as you wish, but be aware that at present this blog is "open to all readers," not just those in our Fellowship.

If necessary, I will try to moderate with moderation, just in case things go too far afield either in subject or spirit. Obviously, you all know well enough how to speak the truth as you see it in a manner that is loving and edifying. So, without further delay, I shall commence postings!


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